"A Vision of Hope for the Future”

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Breakfast Conference Planning Meeting

An early rising this morning left me longing to be home in my own bed. I knew this was an important day so had to muster up all the energy I had and pray that God would give me the energy I had to have and the knowledge I needed to participate in this last planning meeting for this important Breakfast Conference. This is possibly the most important meeting of my life time. I may never know why God chose me for this mission but I know I must give it all my energy and dedication.
We headed for the meeting and the sun wasn't even up. The traffic was no less than any other time of day. As we wove in and out of traffic I couldn't help but wonder if all the people around us were aware of the meeting of a life time was about to happen and could possibly change their lives forever, for the better.
We arrived at Diego's office, where the meeting was going to be held. He had me go to the meeting room to check and make sure things were progressing for the breakfast that would be served. Although this was a planning meeting we were serving breakfast. The servers were hustling like little beavers building a dam.
The participants began to arrive and the majority did speak a little English but even if they didn't they were all so friendly and God's love shown brightly in their eyes. I gave each one an Idaho Pin and you would have thought I gave them a large piece of gold. It always amazes me about giving pins to these people, it is always a joy for me.
The meeting itself went very well. I was the only women their besides a women reporter. It was very strange but even though I couldn't understand most of what was said, I could by Gods grace understand what they were talking about. It brought me to a moment in my life where I knew deep within my soul that God had sent me here to Ecuador and had a plan for my involvement in this very special place.
Besides Diego the only person attending that I knew was Jorge, from the Ecuadorian Brass Band. It was a joy for me to be able to get him involved with this event. One of his special groups are playing the National Anthem of Ecuador at the Conference. What a thrill that will be.
The meeting ended with volumes of prayers.
Diego had made arrangements for Jorge to take me home after the meeting. Before that happened we went on a ride through the city with Mario Andretti. I am sure it was him if not maybe it was Dale Earnhart. Jr. We were going so fast and weaving in and out of traffic like a maniac. I finally just closed my eyes. We were headed to a meeting that Jorge had at the Catholic Church for a special event for his band. We met his wife there. The only problem with the church was the meeting was on the 6th floor and as luck would have it, you guessed it. no elevators. But the brave soul that I am I made it to the top, of course my tongue was hanging out and my legs were like rubber, so I composed myself and went with him to the meeting. It was a great meeting and his band will play before Xmas.
Going down the stairs weren't half as bad, but the walk to the parking garage was a nightmare. It was all uphill. Like San Francisco. So reflecting on the day's events with Jorge, I should have had a video camera and I could have made a movie like the ones that have a chase scene in it. Oh well live and learn.
When I got back to the casa, needless to say, I was exhausted. Climbing the stairs to Diego's house was almost impossible in an upright position. Having made it I ate and came down to my room, hopefully I don't have dreams of my exciting ride today.
Goodnight friends, where ever you are in GOD'S world tonight.

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